Saturday, April 21, 2007

The City

We were in a city, like a Royal Oak size city. That type of building height. I remember it being free and safe, and David and I were hanging out, almost like on vacation. Maybe we were, not sure. There was sun and water somewhere near. At some point, we got separated, and I was picked up in a cart. Other people were also being carted away. We were being collected and moved to one part of the city and it was okay, as long as you didn't venture into the narrow and dark corridors of the city labeled with "guns", "rape", etc.
Eventually they started carting us into those foreboding parts of the city. I was carted under the grey stone archway labeled "guns". Still don't know what happened to David. My guess is they got him in a cart and I hadn't seen where he was sent to. The roadway tipped downward a bit, and it seemed like we now were in an underbelly part of the city. There was a ceiling overhead. I crouched in my grey plastic garbage-type cart as my female attendant trucked me along. I didn't know where we were going. Up ahead I saw three men and they all raised their arms, guns in hand. They pointed their guns at me as we approached and I cast my eyes downward and held my breath. I could sense the tension of their fingers touching the triggers and I could feel static in the air. It's like time stopped. We passed and then they were behind us and I heard a click but nothing came out. I knew then that this was a game of survival and it wasn't all in my own hands.
We neared a bend in the pathway. Now appeared zippered red and black vinyl pods hanging overhead in the tight, winding corners of the hallways underground. People directing the carts were delivering those of us in carts to these pods. They were sleeping quarters for the army they were making out of us. We were being recruited and forced into some type of battle, and this is where we would sleep. I think my driver started to feel bad about bringing me here, because she gave me a blanket and took me to where we thought was outside. It was a tall cavernous space full of stuff. Luggage? Boxes? Not sure what, but it was piled high. There were people crawling to the top only to discover a ceiling. My driver decided this must be the wrong way out, and we exited. She made some excuse to a supervisor and took me through some more doors. My guess is I was supposed to have been delivered by now and left to be part of this army. And she was trying to get me out, without getting caught.
At some point I remember being aware of where my arm was and I stretched, and the dream faded away. I think I got out though.


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